
Life Lately...

I have some fun to share with you on this lovely Thursday afternoon.  I have been cooking & baking a lot lately so I wanted to share some yummy photos of my latest endeavours in the land of food with my faithful blog readers. I hope you won't get too hungry!


..Good Old Pumpkin Pie..

..Chocolate Espresso Cookies & Truffles..

..More of the Same..

..Fresh Bread & Italian Stew..

..Wheat Bread & Homemade Pretzels..

..Sweet Apples & Warm Dutch Oven Bread..



Social Action

I have a few things to share with you today, dear readers & I will start with this inspiring video my friend Colie sent me.  She said it reminded her of me.  That is too kind.  Honestly, I wish I could say I was more like Sara in this video.  WOW. What an inspiration she is!  Lately, I have been seeing & feeling a huge disconnect between what the Bible says & what religious people do to live out their faith (myself included).  I have been feeling convicted about not fully living out the words I so deeply believe.  I am challenged as of late to wonder, who am I "Jesus" to?  Could I be doing more?  Who are my orphans & widows?  Am I sacrificing myself?  It may be the last 2 classes I took for my graduate program, Social Action & Art Therapy & Child Art Therapy with Refugee Children that have sparked this flame.  It may be this inspiring church I was a part of this past summer, a church committed to actively living out their faith.  Or the many conversations I have with my husband where we question community in America & its huge disconnect between those who have and those who have very little.  Whatever it is that's happening in my heart, I like it.  I hope the spark turns into a raging flame.  And I hope this video inspires you as well.

Sara's Story from Trinity Grace Church on Vimeo.

I am also about to graduate with a degree in Art Therapy.  This is exciting.  Very exciting. I hope my degree becomes a bridge to help me be an advocate for social action/social justice & transformation.  Here is an invitation to our show in Milwaukee & also an image of the exhibitors artwork (I am the letter "S").  I will be exhibiting an installation depicting what I learned as a result of researching sacred space/sanctuary & its relationship to a therapeutic milieu. 



Welcome, March

A cheery March good morning to you, my friends.  Ironically, towards the end of February, Kansas had just gotten the first real snowfall.  I traipsed around my front porch and backyard barefoot to document this rare event.  Being from Wisconsin, & a lover of winter, I have had a slightly somber winter here in this milder Midwestern land.  It has been a winter where I often found myself longing for landscapes covered in blankets of white, for frigid, gusty winds dancing across my face & for crackling warm fires that warm hearts.  Instead my husband & I got mild temperatures, rain & a brown world that surrounded us.  So, I hung up strings of handmade snowflakes, baked lots of soups from scratch & brought every bit of a Wisconsin winter that was physically possible into our Kansas bungalow.  It was a charming winter.  A perk I recently discovered however is that it is already spring here, even possibly almost summer.  The magnolia trees are blossoming already, a chorus of birds sing me awake each morning & this entire week is going to be blessed with temperatures in the 70's.  With suffering comes joy!

On another note, I stumbled across this hilarious guy on Gardenfork, a website & television (YouTube)/radio broadcast that covers everything from making fresh breads, cheeses & eggnog to making your garden grow better.  Eric is a quirky, entertaining guy who will be sure to make your mouth drop at least once during the home videos broadcast on YouTube, complete with the perfect combination of Labradors, humor & strangeness.  Here is a video to hook you!  I hope this day finds you very well.  Be in awe of something today.
