
Food | Blueberry Coconut Energy Balls

Do you ever experience the afternoon slumps?  Is it just me because I have two kids, one who I am nursing still?  Well, these easy-to-make balls will help you get out of any energy crisis.  My husband went to seminary in Vancouver, B.C. and he refers to these as "Vancouver Balls," insisting they taste just like Vancouver.  That is a compliment, right?  So, the husband claims to like them, Eugene (our son) loves them and I need them. 

To make: Throw a large handful of each of the dry ingredients plus 2 tablespoons of honey into your food processor.  Pulse the mixture until a clumpy mass forms.  Roll the mass into bite-sized balls.  Brush each ball with honey and roll them in sweetened or unsweetened coconut (the honey helps the coconut to stick).  These will keep in Tupperware in your fridge/freezer for a good while and are awesome to have on hand for after a workout, to put in the diaper bag or to snack on whenever.  Enjoy!

You can make these with any dried fruit or nuts that you have on hand- I even use raisins to add some fiber to the diet.  You can also add your preferred nut butter to them or add flax/crispy cereal/anything else in your cupboard you want to get rid of to the recipe!!  Just be sure to add more honey if the mixture will not form into a clump.  I would love to hear your ideas on what to add into the recipe.  

1 comment:

  1. Yummy! Vancouver balls! The taste of organic hippie goodness :)
